Google Java风格指南




1 简介 Introduction

This document serves as the complete definition of Google’s coding standards for source code in the Java™ Programming Language. A Java source file is described as being in Google Style if and only if it adheres to the rules herein.

Like other programming style guides, the issues covered span not only aesthetic issues of formatting, but other types of conventions or coding standards as well. However, this document focuses primarily on the hard-and-fast rules that we follow universally, and avoids giving advice that isn’t clearly enforceable (whether by human or tool).

这份文档是Google Java编程风格规范的完整定义。当且仅当一个Java源文件符合此文档中的规则,我们才认为它符合Google的Java编程风格。


1.1 术语说明 Terminology notes

In this document, unless otherwise clarified:

  1. The term class is used inclusively to mean an “ordinary” class, enum class, interface or annotation type (@interface).
  2. The term member (of a class) is used inclusively to mean a nested class, field, method, or constructor; that is, all top-level contents of a class except initializers and comments.
  3. The term comment always refers to implementation comments. We do not use the phrase “documentation comments”, instead using the common term “Javadoc.”

Other “terminology notes” will appear occasionally throughout the document.


  1. 术语class可表示普通类,枚举类,接口或者annotation类型(@interface)
  2. 术语member(of a class)可表示一个内部类,字段,方法或者构造器,即一个类中出了初始化和注释外的所有顶层内容。
  3. 术语comment只用来指代实现的注释(implementation comments)。我们不使用”documentation comments”一词,而是Javadoc。

Hello World

1.2 指南说明 Guide notes

Example code in this document is non-normative. That is, while the examples are in Google Style, they may not illustrate the only stylish way to represent the code. Optional formatting choices made in examples should not be enforced as rules.


2 源文件基础 Source file basics

2.1 文件名 File name

The source file name consists of the case-sensitive name of the top-level class it contains (if which there is exactly one), plus the .java extension.


2.2 文件编码: UTF-8 File encoding: UTF-8

Source files are encoded in UTF-8.


2.3 特殊字符 Special characters

2.3.1 空白字符 Whitespace characters

Aside from the line terminator sequence, the ASCII horizontal space character (0x20) is the only whitespace character that appears anywhere in a source file. This implies that:

  1. All other whitespace characters in string and characters literals are escaped.
  2. Tab characters are not used for indentation.


  1. 所有其他字符串中的空白字符都要进行转义。
  2. 制表符不用于缩进。

2.3.2 特殊转义序列 Special escape sequences

For any character that has a special escape sequence (\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \”, \’ and \\), that sequence is used rather than the corresponding octal (e.g. \012) or Unicode (e.g. \u000a) escape.

对于具有特殊转义序列的任何字符(\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \”, \’ and \\),我们使用它的转义序列,而不是相应的八进制(比如\012)或Unicode(比如\u000a)转义。

2.3.3 非ASCII字符 Non-ASCII characters

For the remaining non-ASCII characters, either the actual Unicode character (e.g. ∞) or the equivalent Unicode escape (e.g. \u221e) is used. The choice depends only on which makes the code easier to read and understand, although Unicode escapes outside string literals and comments are strongly discouraged.

Tip: In the Unicode escape case, and occasionally even when actual Unicode characters are used, an explanatory comment can be very helpful.
Tip: Never make your code less readable simply out of fear that some programs might not handle non-ASCII characters properly. If that should happen, those programs are broken and they must be fixed.


Tip: 在使用Unicode转义符或者一些实际的Unicode字符时,建议做些注释给出解释,这有助于别人阅读和理解。


String unitAbbrev = "μs"; //                              | 赞,即使没有注释也非常清晰
String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; // "μs" | 允许,但没有理由要这样做
String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; // Greek letter mu, "s" | 允许,但这样做显得笨拙还容易出错
String unitAbbrev = "\u03bcs"; // | 很糟,读者根本看不出这是什么
return '\ufeff' + content; // byte order mark | Good,对于非打印字符,使用转义,并在必要时写上注释

Tip: 永远不要由于害怕某些程序可能无法正确处理非ASCII字符而让你的代码可读性变差。当程序无法正确处理非ASCII字符时,程序肯定是出问题了,需要去修bug。

3 源文件结构 Source file structure

A source file consists of, in order:

  1. License or copyright information, if present
  2. Package statement
  3. Import statements
  4. Exactly one top-level class
  5. Exactly one blank line separates each section that is present.


  1. 许可证或者版权信息
  2. package语句
  3. import语句
  4. 一个顶级类
  5. 每个section之间用一个空行分隔

If license or copyright information belongs in a file, it belongs here.


3.2 Package语句 Package statement

The package statement is not line-wrapped. The column limit (Section 4.4, Column limit: 100) does not apply to package statements.

package语句不需要换行。列限制(4.4节, 列长度限制:100)并不适用于package语句。(即package语句写在一行里)

3.3 Import语句 Import statement

3.3.1 import不要使用通配符 No wildcard imports

Wildcard imports, static or otherwise, are not used.

即,不要出现类似这样的import语句:import java.util.*;

3.3.2 不要换行 No line-wrapping

Import statements are not line-wrapped. The column limit (Section 4.4, Column limit: 100) does not apply to import statements.


3.3.3 顺序和间隔 Ordering and spacing

Imports are ordered as follows:

  1. All static imports in a single block.
  2. All non-static imports in a single block.
    If there are both static and non-static imports, a single blank line separates the two blocks. There are no other blank lines between import statements.
    Within each block the imported names appear in ASCII sort order. (Note: this is not the same as the import statements being in ASCII sort order, since ‘.’ sorts before ‘;’.)


  1. 每个静态导入为一块
  2. 所有非静态导入为一块



3.3.4 类的非静态导入 No static import for classes

Static import is not used for static nested classes. They are imported with normal imports.


3.4 类声明 Class declaration

3.4.1 只有一个顶级类声明 Exactly one top-level class declaration

Each top-level class resides in a source file of its own.


3.4.2 类成员顺序 Ordering of class contents

The order you choose for the members and initializers of your class can have a great effect on learnability. However, there’s no single correct recipe for how to do it; different classes may order their contents in different ways.

What is important is that each class uses some logical order, which its maintainer could explain if asked. For example, new methods are not just habitually added to the end of the class, as that would yield “chronological by date added” ordering, which is not a logical ordering.


最重要的一点,每个类应该以某种逻辑去排序它的成员,维护者应该要能解释这种排序逻辑。比如, 新的方法不能总是习惯性地添加到类的结尾,因为这样就是按时间顺序而非某种逻辑来排序的。 重载:永不分离 Overloads: never split

When a class has multiple constructors, or multiple methods with the same name, these appear sequentially, with no other code in between (not even private members).


4 格式 Formatting

Terminology Note: block-like construct refers to the body of a class, method or constructor. Note that, by Section on array initializers, any array initializer may optionally be treated as if it were a block-like construct.

术语说明:块状结构(block-like construct)指一个类,方法或者构造函数的主题。需要注意的是,在节4.8.3.1中数组初始化的初始值也可被选择性地视为块状结构。

4.1 大括号 Braces

4.1.1 使用大括号(即使是可选的) Braces are used where optional

Braces are used with if, else, for, do and while statements, even when the body is empty or contains only a single statement.

大括号与if, else, for, do, while语句一起使用,即使只有一条语句(或是空),也应该把大括号写上。

4.1.2 非空块:K & R风格 Nonempty blocks: K & R style

Braces follow the Kernighan and Ritchie style (“Egyptian brackets”) for nonempty blocks and block-like constructs:

  1. No line break before the opening brace.
  2. Line break after the opening brace.
  3. Line break before the closing brace.
  4. Line break after the closing brace, only if that brace terminates a statement or terminates the body of a method, constructor, or named class. For example, there is no line break after the brace if it is followed by else or a comma.

对于非空块和块状结构,大括号应遵循Kernighan和Ritchie风格(Egyptian brackets):


return () -> {
while (condition()) {

return new MyClass() {
@Override public void method() {
if (condition()) {
try {
} catch (ProblemException e) {
} else if (otherCondition()) {
} else {

A few exceptions for enum classes are given in Section 4.8.1, Enum classes.


4.1.3 空块:可以用简洁版本 Empty blocks: may be concise

An empty block or block-like construct may be in K & R style (as described in Section 4.1.2). Alternatively, it may be closed immediately after it is opened, with no characters or line break in between ({}), unless it is part of a multi-block statement (one that directly contains multiple blocks: if/else or try/catch/finally).

一个空的块状结构里什么也不包含,大括号可以简洁地写成{},不需要换行。例外:如果它是一个多块语句的一部分(if/elsetry/catch/finally) ,即使大括号内没内容,右大括号也要换行。


// This is acceptable
void doNothing() {}

// This is equally acceptable
void doNothingElse() {

// This is not acceptable: No concise empty blocks in a multi-block statement
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}

4.2 块缩进:2个空格 Block indentation: +2 spaces

Each time a new block or block-like construct is opened, the indent increases by two spaces. When the block ends, the indent returns to the previous indent level. The indent level applies to both code and comments throughout the block. (See the example in Section 4.1.2, Nonempty blocks: K & R Style.)


4.3 一行一个语句 One statement per line

Each statement is followed by a line break.


4.4 列限制:100 Column limit: 100

Java code has a column limit of 100 characters. Except as noted below, any line that would exceed this limit must be line-wrapped, as explained in Section 4.5, Line-wrapping.


  1. Lines where obeying the column limit is not possible (for example, a long URL in Javadoc, or a long JSNI method reference).
  2. package and import statements (see Sections 3.2 Package statement and 3.3 Import statements).
  3. Command lines in a comment that may be cut-and-pasted into a shell.



  1. 不可能满足列限制的行(例如,Javadoc中的一个长URL,或是一个长的JSNI方法参考)。
  2. packageimport语句(见3.2节和3.3节)。
  3. 注释中那些可能被剪切并粘贴到shell中的命令行。

4.5 自动换行 Line-wrapping

Terminology Note: When code that might otherwise legally occupy a single line is divided into multiple lines, this activity is called line-wrapping.

There is no comprehensive, deterministic formula showing exactly how to line-wrap in every situation. Very often there are several valid ways to line-wrap the same piece of code.

Note: While the typical reason for line-wrapping is to avoid overflowing the column limit, even code that would in fact fit within the column limit may be line-wrapped at the author’s discretion.

Tip: Extracting a method or local variable may solve the problem without the need to line-wrap.



Note: 有时候,一行代码即使在列限制以内,为了避免超出列限制,程序员也会考虑自动换行。

Tip: 提取方法或局部变量可以在不换行的情况下解决代码过长的问题(是合理缩短命名长度吧)

4.5.1 从哪里断开 Where to break

The prime directive of line-wrapping is: prefer to break at a higher syntactic level. Also:

  1. When a line is broken at a non-assignment operator the break comes before the symbol. (Note that this is not the same practice used in Google style for other languages, such as C++ and JavaScript.)
    • This also applies to the following “operator-like” symbols:
      • the dot separator (.)
      • the two colons of a method reference (::)
      • an ampersand in a type bound ()
      • a pipe in a catch block (catch (FooException | BarException e)).
  2. When a line is broken at an assignment operator the break typically comes after the symbol, but either way is acceptable.
    • This also applies to the “assignment-operator-like” colon in an enhanced for (“foreach”) statement.
  3. A method or constructor name stays attached to the open parenthesis (() that follows it.
  4. A comma (,) stays attached to the token that precedes it.
  5. A line is never broken adjacent to the arrow in a lambda, except that a break may come immediately after the arrow if the body of the lambda consists of a single unbraced expression. Examples:
MyLambda<String, Long, Object> lambda =
(String label, Long value, Object obj) -> {
Predicate<String> predicate = str ->

Note: The primary goal for line wrapping is to have clear code, not necessarily code that fits in the smallest number of lines.


  1. 如果在非赋值运算符处断开,那么在该符号断开。(注意: 这一点与Google其他语言的编程风格不同,如c++或者js)。
    • 这也适用于一下的类运算符号
      • 点分隔号 (.)
      • 方法引用中的双冒号 (::)
      • 类型界限中的& ()
      • catch语句中的管道符号 (catch (FooException | BarException e))
  2. 如果在赋值运算符处断开,通常的做法是在该符号后断开(比如=,它与前面的内容留在同一行)。
    • 这条规则也适用于foreach语句中的分号。
  3. 方法名或构造函数名与左括号留在同一行。
  4. 逗号(,)与其前面的内容留在同一行。
  5. 在lambda语句中不要在箭头附近换行,除非,箭头后面只有一行没有被大括号括起来的语句,

注意: 自动换行最主要的目的是为了让代码更整洁,而不是为了让代码行数最少。

4.5.2 自动换行时至少缩进4+空格 Indent continuation lines at least +4 spaces

When line-wrapping, each line after the first (each continuation line) is indented at least +4 from the original line.

When there are multiple continuation lines, indentation may be varied beyond +4 as desired. In general, two continuation lines use the same indentation level if and only if they begin with syntactically parallel elements.

Section 4.6.3 on Horizontal alignment addresses the discouraged practice of using a variable number of spaces to align certain tokens with previous lines.




4.6 Whitespace 空格
